On-Premise Meaning Cloud Documentation
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In this document, you will find all the available parameters (and their default values) to customize the platform.

All parameters are optional unless specified. If you don’t need to override any parameter just launch the installation command omitting the extra vars volume mount.

This is described in the extra_vars.yaml file:

# on-premise platform distribution and version
  name: general
  version: 1.0.0

# launch the platform compose.yml in debug mode
compose_debug_mode: false
# force restart of all platform services
compose_force_restart: false

# base path where data platform is stored
data_basepath: "/opt"

# launch platform when running bootstrap
launch_platform: true

# platform configuration parameters
  # timeout for http request received by the platform
  compose_http_timeout: 200
  # name of compose project, this will be prepended to docker container names
  compose_project_name: mc_onpremise_test
  # name of the docker network created by docker compose, allows internal communications between platform services.
  compose_network_name: mc_onpremise_test_net
  # force https traffic
  force_https: false
  # external domain for the platform
  external_url: http://mconpremise.example.com/
  # MySQL connection data. If you don't have a database server available you can enable the mysql extension (see extensions section of this file).
  mysql_server: database-server
  mysql_database: meaningcloud
  mysql_user: mc-user
  mysql_password: mc-pass

# select artifacts and versions to download
  sentiment: 0.1.0
  dictionaries: 0.1.0
  lexicalbase: 0.1.0
  deepcatmodels: 0.1.0
  classmodels: 0.1.0

# enable and customize extensions
  # see the extensions documentation page
    # put the extension section here
    # put the extension section here
    # put the extension section here