On-Premise Meaning Cloud Documentation
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If you have any general or technical question, e.g:

  • Is there anything not clear enough in the documentation?
  • Is there a service that is not doing what you expect?
  • Do you have a new feature proposal to be added in the future roadmap?
  • Did you detect a bug in the results or do you have any suggestions on how to make this service more useful?
  • When do I have to renew my

Please let us know by filling in our feedback form. Please, specify next information in the description section:

  • Full name: Name Surname
  • MeaningCloud registered email: xxx@xxx.com
  • Type of support: STANDARD | PREMIUM
  • On-Prem version (follow this format: X.X.X): X.X.X
  • Detail: Description of the issue or request.
Please, add screenshots in case you obtain some error message or a code snippet in case you are using any of the SDKs. We offer support in both English and Spanish!